The Auction Process

Have you ever heard of someone selling their property for more than they listed it for? It does happen. This occurs when two or more interested parties are interested in the same property at the same time. The result is a bidding war. In other words, the property listing became an auction which drove the selling price above the original listing price. Standard listings have this occur by accident not by design. Normal listings with a real-estate broker start with a high asking price which then, typically, gets negotiated down to the final selling price. Auctions work completely different, we usually start the bidding below market value and take bids to raise the price to the final selling price, just like the example above that happens by chance. Why wouldn't you want to purposefully create an atmosphere where you are bringing two or more interested parties together that results in a bidding war? Sell to the highest bidder, not the lowest offer!

Benefits for sellers:

  1. You pick the day your property sells, auction day.
  2. Property is sold As Is-Where Is with no contingencies.
  3. Quick turnaround, auction is scheduled usually within 30-45 days of signing.
  4. Settlement usually within 30-45 days of auction.

Benefits for buyers:

  1. You know at the conclusion of the auction whether or not you own the property.
  2. Inspections will be available prior to auction.
  3. You know exactly who the other interested parties are.
  4. Settlement usually within 30-45 days of auction.

The auction process is designed to benefit both buyers and sellers. There is no closed door, behind the scenes negotiating. Auctions create a fair and open, transparent way to sell and purchase a property. Eliminates phone call after phone call to negotiate the price. The typical real estate auction takes less than hour to conduct.

Remember, sell to the highest bidder not the lowest offer!